Course image English 20-2 Lindstrand

English 20-2

The senior high school English language arts program highlights six language arts—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.

Five general outcomes are the foundation of the program. Students will speak, read, write, view and represent to:

·         Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

·         Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively

·          Manage ideas and information

·          Create oral, print, visual, and multimedia texts, and enhance clarity and artistry of communication

·          Respect, support and collaborate with others

Course image Buckley ELA 20-2 (2022 updated Sem 2)

English 20-2

The senior high school English language arts program highlights six language arts—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.

Five general outcomes are the foundation of the program. Students will speak, read, write, view and represent to:

·         Explore thoughts, ideas, feelings and experiences

·         Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively

·          Manage ideas and information

·          Create oral, print, visual, and multimedia texts, and enhance clarity and artistry of communication

·          Respect, support and collaborate with others

Course image English 20-4

Description (5 credits):

Knowledge and Employability English language arts highlights six language arts—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.


  • ELA10-4
Course image NOT FOR USE IN 2020-21 ELA 30-1 Online

Description: (5 credits)

English 30-1 is the final academic English course in the typical three-year high school program. Since it  prepares students for post-secondary study, this course focuses on honing students’ skill in the use and understanding of the English language and its literature. This is a diploma course where students will write a government exam for 50% of their mark.


  • English 20-1
Course image NOT FOR USE IN 2020-21 ELA 30-2 Online

Description: (5 credits) 

English 30-2 is primarily a functional English course. The major focus of the course is to reinforce the students’ practical reading, writing, listening and viewing skills. This is a diploma course where students will write a government exam for 50% of their mark.


  • English 20-2 or 40% (or greater) in English 20-1