Course image English 10-4
S. Cumming 2022/2023

Description: (5 credits)

Knowledge and Employability English language arts highlights six language arts—listening, speaking, reading, writing, viewing and representing.


  • None
Course image English 10-1 - 2022/23 - Mrs. Cumming
S. Cumming 2022/2023

English 10-1 is the first year high school English course for students who are working towards a high school diploma. The course assumes that you have completed Grade Nine English Language Arts in junior high school and are intending to complete a high school diploma. English 10-1 is designed to lead to English 20-1 and then English 30-1 to fulfill high school graduation requirements.

Course image Social Studies 20-2, 2022-2023, Mrs. Cumming
S. Cumming 2022/2023

  In Social Studies 20-2, students will explore the extent that we should embrace nationalism? Explore the answer to this question as you examine historical and contemporary understandings of nationalism in Canada and the world. Examine the origins and impacts of nationalism on individuals and communities from a variety of perspectives through examples of nationalism, ultra-nationalism, supra-nationalism, and internationalism. Topics include the French Revolution, World War I, Nazi Germany, and the development of foreign policy in the Global Village. This is the second course in the stream for students who want to achieve the basic Social Studies requirements.

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10-2

Course image Social Studies 20-1, 2022-2023, Mrs. Cumming
S. Cumming 2022/2023

2020-21 - Quarter Four (April~June)

       In Social Studies 20-1, students will examine historical and contemporary understandings of nationalism in Canada and the world. They will explore the origins of nationalism as well as the impacts of nationalism on individuals and communities in Canada and other locations. Examples of nationalism, ultranationalism, supranationalism, and internationalism will be examined from multiple perspectives. Students will develop personal and civic responses to emergent issues related to nationalism.

Prerequisite: Social Studies 10-1